Our curriculum is set to span a three-year cycle, so that all eligible Ambassadors can take advantage of different training and information each year. This allows Ambassadors the opportunity to attend and learn new information, while reinforcing content from the previous year(s). The following curriculum is schedule for the years indicated.
Year One (covered in 2017, 2020, and 2023)
The Leader and his/her Leadership Style (DISC Program)
The Leader and Influence
Leadership Style as seen in the Bible
The Leader and his/her Heart
Leadership and Vision
Leadership, Setting Goals and Establishing Priorities
Year Two (covered in 2018, 2021 and 2024)
Developing Leadership Skills
Leadership and Submission
Key Principles of Leadership
Headship and Equality
Authority and Submission
Leading and Following
Examples of Leaders in the Bible
Leadership and Agape
Honest Self Evaluation
Leadership and Communication
Year Three (covered in 2016, 2019, 2022 and 2025)
Leaders Solve Problems
Leaders Have Vision
Leaders Motivate Others
Leader as a Servant
Leaders take charge in Crisis
Leader as a Decision Maker
Leaders reproduce themselves
Leaders help people work together
Leaders help others be successful
Leaders empower others
Leaders and charisma